Ffmpeg filter syntax
Ffmpeg filter syntax

ffmpeg filter syntax

Creating a focus pointįfmpeg -i OrigionalImage.png -vf eq=brightness=0.06:saturation=2 -c:a copy BrightenedImage.pngįfmpeg -i WhiteSilhouette.png -filter_complex "split geq='if(lt(lum(X,Y),16),255,0)',hue=s=0 alphamerge" -c:a copy TransparentSilhouette.pngįfmpeg -i BrightenedImage.png -i TransparentSilhouette.png -filter_complex " overlay=(W-w)/2:(H-h)/2" -c:a copy BrightnedSilhouette. Overlay black background silhouette over brightened image. In libavfilter, a filter can have multiple inputs and multiple outputs. FILTERING INTRODUCTION Filtering in FFmpeg is enabled through the libavfilter library. Remove white shape from black background silhouette, leaving a transparent shape ffmpeg-filters - FFmpeg filters DESCRIPTION This document describes filters, sources, and sinks provided by the libavfilter library.

ffmpeg filter syntax

*īrighten & increase saturation of original image In my example, two distinct inputs are required, resulting in one output. I would ultimately like to pipe the output of one command into the next command, without the temporary files.Īlthough many questions discuss filter-complex (which is how I believe results passing as inputs is accomplished), I can't seem to find an example of commands that use filter_complexs flowing into other filter_complex commands (nested filter-complex commands?). I've pieced together 3 commands but my solution involves writing a number of tempory files.

Ffmpeg filter syntax